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Specialists in Assessing Neurodevelopmental


Welcome to BrainPower Neurodevelopmental

Center LLC, where we are dedicated to understanding and supporting your cognitive and emotional well-being. We provide evaluation and assessment services to children, adolescents, and adults to determine an initial diagnosis or confirm a previous diagnosis, identify additional conditions/disorders, assess level of functioning, and make appropriate recommendations for services. 

What Is a Comprehensive Evaluation?

Psychological assessments are valuable for both children and adults as they provide critical insights into an individual's mental health and cognitive functioning. These assessments help identify strengths and weaknesses, guiding tailored interventions and support strategies. For children, early detection of issues can lead to timely support, fostering healthy development. For adults, understanding psychological patterns can enhance personal growth and improve overall well-being.


Our neurodevelopmental diagnostic evaluations include a comprehensive assessment of psycho-social and behavioral development. The primary goal of a neurodevelopmental evaluation is to identify symptoms, concerns, and behaviors that may align with a developmental disability. Our psychologist and diagnostic team seek to identify and quantify diagnoses that begin in childhood and persist over the lifespan (e.g., ASD, intellectual disability (ID), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and language disorders.)


At BrainPower, we specialize in providing comprehensive, up-to-date assessments for children as young as 12 months old to adulthood. Not only are we qualified to administer the "gold standard" assessments for autism, we also offer high-quality assessments for developmental concerns, learning disorders, and ADHD, such as the TOVA-8 and NEPSY-II. Finally, we believe in using the most up-to-date, technological assessments in order to not only improve testing accuracy but also to keep children engaged during testing.  Q-interactive, the revolutionary, iPad-based testing platform we utilize, ensures accurate administration and scoring of tests.

Diagnostic Evaluation Components

Intellectual Functioning: General mental ability that includes reasoning, planning, problem solving, abstract thinking, comprehending complex ideas, learning quickly and learning from experience.


Academic Functioning: Assessment measures involving reading, mathematics, writing, spelling, and phonological processing. Learning disorders, including dyslexia, may be diagnosed via academic testing.


Memory: Cognitive assessments effectively evaluate different functions, like working memory, processing speed, short-term memory, reaction time, recognition, visual scanning, and spatial perception.


Higher Cortical Functioning: The higher cortical functions refer to

all conscious mental activity, such as thinking, remembering, and

reasoning, and to complex volitional behavior such as speaking and carrying out voluntary movement.


Visual/Spatial: This refers to a person's ability to perceive, analyze, and understand visual information in the world around them.


Sensorimotor Functioning: These skills involve the process of receiving sensory messages and producing a response. We receive sensory information from our bodies and the environment through our sensory systems (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, vestibular, and proprioception).


Behavioral Functioning: These assessments can identity behavior patterns as well as reasons for the behavior. Different tests are used to get an idea of what might be behind the issues, such as developmental delays, mental health issues, trauma, and ADHD.


Emotional Functioning: Includes more specific concepts such as emotion regulation, awareness, differentiation, and expression of emotions, and psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety.


Social Functioning: Assesses how a person interacts with others, deals with social situations, and how he perceives social situations. Assessing these areas helps to understand the challenging areas for an individual.


Speech/Language: Assessment tools evaluate a child's strengths and weaknesses in the areas of auditory processing, receptive and expressive language, phonological processing, and pragmatic functioning.

We conduct psychological   assessments for the following:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • ADHD

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • OCD

  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  • Dyslexia

  • Dyscalculia

  • Dysgraphia

  • Conduct Disorder

  • Learning Disability

  • Intellectual Disability

  • Mood Disorders

  • Bipolar Disorder

Scheduling a Diagnostic Evaluation

  • Ask your primary care provider/pediatrician to refer you or your child to BrainPower Neurodevelopmental Center LLC for a diagnostic evaluation. Providers, please fax us at 812-961-6546.

  • When we receive the referral, we will put you on our waiting list. When a space opens, we will call you to set up a visit. You can ask to be put on a list to get notified if someone cancels their appointment.

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